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Get started on your Solar journey with Oakcrest Electrical residential Solar installation. 

Choosing to go Solar for all your home energy needs is a great decision and we salute the thought behind the decision - Our future generations depend on it.

• Solar energy is unlimited 
• Keeps the Earth clean 
• Perfect way to have uninterrupted hot water and keep your home heated in Winter while saving thousands on your electricity bills.

Oakcrest Electrical is your local residential Solar installation specialist. We are qualified, trained and experienced to provide the highest quality of service in all thigs Solar.

We know there are a lot of factors that need to be considered when choosing the right Solar solution for your home and we offer a tailor-made solution as per your requirement as each home is different!

Why we are your first choice when it comes to choosing Solar for your home?

• We are licenced by the Clean Energy Council 
• A professionally qualified team with a high standard of customer service 
• Have a comprehensive range of residential Solar installation services that include helping you choose the right solution for your home 
• Guaranteed with a warranty for long-term installation and use 
• A safe and assured installation of your residential Solar panels 
• Passionate about helping the environment through educating the people of Gladstone and surrounds how to achieve renewable energy goals

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